Bob Woodward urges more aggressive media

Posted by DarthDilbert at 2/28/2007 05:22:00 PM

I say we forcibly hook him up to a lie detector and ask him about his supposed interview with Bill Casey when the former DCI was protected by heavy security, in a deep coma, and incapable of talking to anyone. Is that aggressive enough for you Bob?

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Seattle school bans Legos

Posted by DarthDilbert at 2/28/2007 05:15:00 PM

Ann Pelo has been teaching indoctrinating children ages three to five at Hilltop Children’s Center in Seattle for sixteen years. Shortly after Operation Enduring Freedom began in 2001 she sent a letter home to the parents of her students where she recommended that parents "Teach peace to children. Share stories of peace heroes. Continue to emphasize the importance of resolving conflicts in ways that honor the needs of everyone involved in the conflict. Talk about peace as an action, rather than as a passive absence of conflict."

The only need I want to meet of AlQueda is to send them to hell as soon as possible where they can meet up with the seventy-two clones of Helen Thomas. Polo's letter was included in the Winter 2001 issue of Rethinking Schools which included the statement: "Islam is very family-oriented." I'm sure that is the first thing that the Barbara Olson's husband thinks when the subject of Islam is discussed.

If that wasn't enough, Michelle Malkin wrote in April 2003 how Polo suggested to her students that the Blue Angels were going to bomb their town. Soon afterward, Bernard Goldberg ranked Pelo #51 in his book "100 People Who Are Screwing Up America." He described her as "Michael Moore for Toddlers."

Now, this role model for educators indoctrinators along with Kendra Pelojoaquin who both happen to be on the Board of Directors for Hilltop Children’s Center in Seattle, are indoctrinating children to be skeptical of private property rights - by banning Legos. According to an article in the winter 2006-07 issue of "Rethinking Schools" magazine, the teachers at the private school wanted their students to learn that private property ownership is evil.

In a phone interview Polo referred to the children playing with the toys as a "Lego-oligarchy." She said that the kids playing with them was "inherently problematic because of sort of the unexamined issues of power and authority." I use the word indoctrinate because she is openly teaching socialism in that the Legos "are owned by everyone," and that "private ownership is inherently unfair." This is yet another excellent reason why I will never allow my children to be indoctrinated in government schools.

Reason number # to homeschool.

H/T: BizzyBlog - Thanks Tom!

TCS Daily
The Spokesman-Review
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The Hildabeast failed to list her "charity" on Senate disclosure forms

Posted by DarthDilbert at 2/27/2007 10:57:00 PM

The Hildabeast and Slick Willie "have operated a family charity since 2001, but she failed to list it on annual Senate financial disclosure reports on five occasions. The Ethics in Government Act requires members of Congress to disclose positions they hold with any outside entity, including nonprofit foundations. Hillary Clinton has served her family foundation as treasurer and secretary since it was established in December 2001, but none of her ethics reports since then have disclosed that fact."
The Attorney General may bring a civil action in any appropriate United States district court against any individual who knowingly and willfully falsifies or who knowingly and willfully fails to file or report any information that such individual is required to report pursuant to section 102. The court in which such action is brought may assess against such individual a civil penalty in any amount, not to exceed $10,000. - Ethics in Government Act

Ok then, when will Alberto Gonzales file charges?

Washington Post
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The result of military cutbacks by the democRATs

Posted by DarthDilbert at 2/27/2007 10:27:00 PM

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Taliban knew of Cheney visit to Afghanistan

Posted by DarthDilbert at 2/27/2007 10:26:00 PM

Which group of traitors was it this time? NY Times, DNC, LA Times? It didn't take long however for the RATs to be upset that Cheney was safe and uninjured. The moonbats over at The Huffington Post as well as DUmmieland to wish that the Taliban had killed the Vice President. The DUmmies also didn't waste time in donning their official DNC tinfoil hats and spinning conspiracy theories.
Mens News Daily
World Net Daily
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Digital "Fair Use" Bill introduced in Congress

Posted by DarthDilbert at 2/27/2007 10:25:00 PM

The "Freedom and Innovation Revitalizing U.S. Entrepreneurship" (or FAIR USE) Act is designed to "make it easier for digital media consumers to use the content they buy." Introduced by Congressmen Rich Boucher (RAT - Virginia) and John Dolittle (Republican - California) will amend the 1998 Digital Millennium Copyright Act. The FAIR USE Act is being supported by the Consumer Electronics Association.

Washington Post
Congressman Rick Boucher
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The demise of McCain’s Presidential bid

Posted by DarthDilbert at 2/27/2007 10:25:00 PM

And to think, it all began with a pint of strawberries.

Hawaii Reporter
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McCain, Giuliani and Romney deemed not suitable by author Phyllis Schlafly

Posted by DarthDilbert at 2/27/2007 12:21:00 PM

She pointed out how McCain allied with Senator Ted "The Swimmer" in wanting to give illegal immigrants citizenship; Romney chose to focus on the 2002 Winter Olympics rather than conservative issues; and that most people are not aware how Giuliani is for abortion as well as for gay marriage and against the Second Amendment.

Concord Monitor
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Al Gore's "Inconvenient Truth" -- $30,000 utility bill

Posted by DarthDilbert at 2/27/2007 12:12:00 PM

Al Gore’s global-warming documentary, An Inconvenient Truth, collected an Oscar for best documentary feature, but the Tennessee Center for Policy Research has found that Gore deserves a gold statue for hypocrisy.

Gore’s mansion, located in the posh Belle Meade area of Nashville, consumes more electricity every month than the average American household uses in an entire year, according to the Nashville Electric Service (NES).

In his documentary, the former Vice President calls on Americans to conserve energy by reducing electricity consumption at home.

The average household in America consumes 10,656 kilowatt-hours (kWh) per year, according to the Department of Energy. In 2006, Gore devoured nearly 221,000 kWh—more than 20 times the national average.

Last August alone, Gore burned through 22,619 kWh—guzzling more than twice the electricity in one month than an average American family uses in an entire year. As a result of his energy consumption, Gore’s average monthly electric bill topped $1,359.

Since the release of An Inconvenient Truth, Gore’s energy consumption has increased from an average of 16,200 kWh per month in 2005, to 18,400 kWh per month in 2006.

Gore’s extravagant energy use does not stop at his electric bill. Natural gas bills for Gore’s mansion and guest house averaged $1,080 per month last year.

“As the spokesman of choice for the global warming movement, Al Gore has to be willing to walk the walk, not just talk the talk, when it comes to home energy use,” said Tennessee Center for Policy Research President Drew Johnson.

In total, Gore paid nearly $30,000 in combined electricity and natural gas bills for his Nashville estate in 2006.

Compare then the hypocracy of Al Gore with the President's house in Texas. Amazing.

Tennessee Center for Policy Research
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Liberalism is a Mental Disorder

Posted by DarthDilbert at 2/27/2007 11:42:00 AM

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Lockheed's F-22 Raptor gets zapped by international date line

Posted by DarthDilbert at 2/27/2007 11:27:00 AM

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

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What to expect if democRATs win in 2008

Posted by DarthDilbert at 2/25/2007 04:25:00 PM

Crossposted from America's Victory '08
The attacks that we saw on 9/11 would only be a precursor to what would happen if democRATs win the office of President in November 2008. It's not hard to arrive at this conclusion. This is something that even Judge Larry Seidlin could understand. Seeing as how they currently treat national security issues with a pre-9/11 mindset, there will be a flurry of executive orders reversing every effort made to combat terrorism. The Patriot Act which has been used successfully to prevent terrorist attacks will be but a distant memory. The many terrorists who have been captured will be freed. It's not as if this is unprecedented.

On 11 August 1999, Bill Clinton commuted the sentences of sixteen members of FALN, a violent Puerto Rican nationalist group that detonated over one hundred bombs in the United States. The terrorists had been convicted for conspiracies to commit robbery, bomb-making, and sedition, as well as for firearms and explosives violations. On 1 February 1979, Jimmy Carter commuted the seven-year prison term of Patty Hearst releasing her from prison with her having served only twenty-two months for bank robbery. Later, on 20 January 2001, the final day of Bill Clinton's presidency, he granted her a full pardon. Carlos A. Vignali had his sentence for cocaine trafficking commuted, serving 6 of 15 years in federal prison, after paying around $200,000 to Hillary Clinton's brother, Hugh Rodham. Not to be outdone, Almon Glenn Braswell was pardoned of his mail fraud and perjury convictions after also paying approximately $200,000 to Hillary Clinton's brother, Hugh Rodham. This was done while Braswell was under federal investigation for additional money laundering and tax evasion charges. Also on 20 January 2001, Clinton commuted the sentence of Melvin J. Reynolds, a former democRAT congressman from Illinois, who had been convicted of bank fraud, twelve counts of sexual assault, obstruction of justice and solicitation of child pornography. I'm sure that Slick Willie did it "for the children."

The question then isn't who would be released - but who wouldn't? Don't be surprised when all of those held at Club Gitmo are set free. When terrorist attacks happen, they will not be treated as threats to national security issues as they should be, but once again as a "law enforcement issue." With the Patriot Act gone, and no method to prevent terrorist attacks, locations that have been targets for some time will be destroyed with the democRATs feigning surprise as to how this could have happened. When schools are taken by force by Muslim terrorists as happened in Russia on 1 September 2004, don't be surprised. When a clone of Janet Reno orders another Waco style raid resulting in a similar outcome, don't be surprised. When surviving members of The Weathermen are appointed to key positions in the new administration, don't be surprised. They will live up to what Shakespeare wrote centuries ago, "What is past is prologue."

America's Victory '08
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24 Hour Pizza Delivery

Posted by DarthDilbert at 2/25/2007 04:18:00 PM

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Terrorist video: Proof CNN reporting inspires insurgent recruitment

Posted by DarthDilbert at 2/25/2007 04:16:00 PM

If CNN (the Crescent News Network, also known as the Clinton News Network) wasn't happy enough before in broadcasting terrorist propaganda involving the murder of American soldiers, they must be delighted to learn that AlQueda is using clips from Anderson Cooper in one of their latest videos.

Pat Dollard
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Lost It In Space

Posted by DarthDilbert at 2/25/2007 12:09:00 AM

Lost it in space

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Posted by DarthDilbert at 2/24/2007 12:32:00 PM

From a 3 May 2006 press release from Congressman Steny Hoyer (RAT - Maryland) now the House majority leader: "The greed and flagrant abuses of convicted felons, former Republican member Duke Cunningham and Republican lobbyist Jack Abramoff, hang over this house like a dark cloud. The 'K Street' Project proudly promoted by Tom Delay, Rick Santorum and the Republican Leadership--in which quid pro quo was the blatantly articulated standard of conduct--is the most flagrant example of the aptly named 'culture of corruption.'"

From, 21 February 2007 (ellipsis in original): "House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer has a great vacation planned for May: He's going to a fancy golf & beach resort in Puerto Rico where people get 'sensually awakened.' And he's taking a planeload of lobbyists . . . enough to fill 137 luxury hotel suites. Doesn't that sound nice? But unlike Tom DeLay's unethical golf trip to Scotland with Jack Abramoff, Steny's seaside lobbyist orgy is completely okay because the lobbyists aren't paying Hoyer himself--they're paying Hoyer's PAC."

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

WSJ Opinion Journal
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Florida school principal charged with cocaine possession

Posted by DarthDilbert at 2/24/2007 12:54:00 AM

Anthony Giancola, principal of Van Buren Middle School in Tampa, has been charged with possession of cocaine and soliciting to purchase drugs on school property after having been caught white-handed buying crack cocaine from an undercover officer.

Reason number # to homeschool.

All Headline News
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Bad news for Strickland

Posted by DarthDilbert at 2/24/2007 12:51:00 AM

Teddy's favored candidate that he came out for, quit today. Is Strickland's friend, that he vacationed with in Italy, still advising this moron?
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Top nine reasons why a RAT president can't handle the war on terrorism

Posted by DarthDilbert at 2/24/2007 12:40:00 AM

John Hawkins gives nine excellent reasons why if "a Democrat were to win in 2008, it would give terrorists worldwide a four year respite to rebuild, reload, and run wild without serious opposition from the United States. The price our nation and our allies would pay in blood and treasure for that mistake would be incalculable."
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As seen in your local post office

Posted by DarthDilbert at 2/24/2007 12:14:00 AM

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Hillary Clinton finds the South too Southern

Posted by DarthDilbert at 2/24/2007 12:06:00 AM

Southerners have been told by their liberal overlords that they are an intrinsically offensive people and that the only way for them to avoid further offense is to commit cultural suicide -- to forget their own past, condemn their own ancestors and tear down their own symbols and emblems. It’s probably just a matter of time before the war monuments are blasted off the side of Stone Mountain and Southern children face re-education at summer "contrition camps."

I am proud to be an American by Birth and Southern by the Grace of God. Tell the Hildabeast to put some ice on it.

Human Events
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Michael Jackson to convert to Islam

Posted by DarthDilbert at 2/23/2007 11:56:00 PM

Wasn't Mohammad a pedophile too?

The Daily Telegraph (UK)
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It's taps for Morse Code

Posted by DarthDilbert at 2/23/2007 11:33:00 PM

I guess the RATs will have to find another way to announce: ·-- · | ·- ·-· · | ·--· ·-· --- ··- -·· | - --- | ·-- ·- ···- · | - ···· · | ·-- ···· ·· - · | ··-· ·-·· ·- --· | --- ··-· | ··· ··- ·-· ·-· · -· -·· · ·-·.

Orange County Register
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Snapshot: Barack Hussein Obama

Posted by DarthDilbert at 2/23/2007 11:10:00 PM

Taken earlier today on the set of "Brokeback Mountain II"
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New from the DNC Store...

Posted by DarthDilbert at 2/22/2007 12:46:00 PM

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John Murtha: Caving in to Arabs since 1980

Posted by DarthDilbert at 2/22/2007 12:45:00 PM

About a month after the taped meeting with Murtha, the co-conspirator, lawyer Howard L. Criden, wrote in his affidavit: "Yesterday, Feb. 1, (Democrat Congressman Frank 'Topper') Thompson called and told me that Murtha was ready to go," adding that Murtha had indicated "during January that he was not ready to do business but would be willing to do so in the future." Criden said: "Congressman Murtha of Pennsylvania would be willing to enter into an agreement similar to that of the other congressmen" -- i.e., taking $50,000 cash from the sheiks for legislative favors. Criden's affidavit went unsigned, according to his lawyer, Richard Ben-Veniste, solely because of the resulting publicity when the press blew the investigation, leading Criden to believe the prosecutors had broken the deal. Criden was later convicted and sentenced to six years in prison, along with seven members of Congress (six of them Democrats). Murtha was an unindicted co-conspirator. (Would that Patrick Fitzgerald were prosecuting the case!) As an attorney, let me give you the technical legal description of what occurred: John Murtha was as guilty as O.J. Simpson.

Ann Coulter in Human Events
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The truth about liberals' defeatism

Posted by DarthDilbert at 2/22/2007 12:45:00 PM

Gribbit writes an excellent column about how the socialist left is determined to undermine the security of this nation and seek out defeat wherever they can.

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The Spanish Connection: What the 9/11 Commission didn't consider

Posted by DarthDilbert at 2/22/2007 12:44:00 PM

Edward Jay Epstein writes about how Judge Baltazar Garzon, Spain's terrorism magistrate, has been investigating the links between al-Qaeda and a Spanish Islamic cell headed by Imad Eddin Barakat Yarkas.

WSJ OpinionJournal
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Calypso Louis to make his last major address

Posted by DarthDilbert at 2/22/2007 12:44:00 PM

And all God's people said...AMEN!

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Rush Limbaugh's Morning Update: Ted Strickland

Posted by DarthDilbert at 2/22/2007 12:43:00 PM

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Treason alert: LA Times jeopardizes CIA operatives

Posted by DarthDilbert at 2/21/2007 10:47:00 PM

Rather than hearing the US Attorneys from the Southern District of California working hard to bring these traitors to justice as soon as possible, all that is present is the sound of crickets from the Left Coast. Why isn't Patrick Fitzgerald, or one of his pals, going after these spineless oxygen thieves?

Patterico's Pontifications
WSJ OpinionJournal
Michelle Malkin
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Gambian president claims to have a cure for AIDS

Posted by DarthDilbert at 2/21/2007 10:33:00 PM

Gambian President Yahya Jammeh, proud graduate of the Tuhrayzuh Heinz-Kerry School of Medicine claims that he has the cure for AIDS: green paste and bananas. In this comprehensive and widely respected process, he rubs green herbal paste into the ribcage of his patient, then orders them to swallow a bitter yellow drink, followed by two bananas. Jammeh claims that his "method is foolproof," and goes on to say "Mine is not an argument, mine is a proof. It's a declaration. I can cure AIDS and I will."

Daily Mail (UK)
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Woman found in car engine at border

Posted by DarthDilbert at 2/21/2007 10:25:00 PM

Hey Pedro, I found out why you couldn't start the car.
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Strickland claims his comments against Iraqi immigration were "out of context"

Posted by DarthDilbert at 2/21/2007 10:14:00 PM

All Headline News
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Duncan Hunter urges Bush to act against al-Qaida in Pakistan

Posted by DarthDilbert at 2/21/2007 02:38:00 PM

Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-Calif., the ranking Republican on the Armed Services Committee of the U.S, House of Representatives, announced that he had sent a letter Tuesday to President George W. Bush urging him to push the Pakistani government to take more effective action against al-Qaida forces in the northwestern Pakistan tribal region of North Waziristan. Hunter wrote that he was concerned about what he called "the very troubling development of al-Qaida's resurgence in the Pakistani tribal area of North Waziristan. It is clear that al-Qaida has found a safe haven in Pakistan where it is operating training camps for the purpose of carrying out strikes in Afghanistan and elsewhere," he wrote. "United States and allied forces can only secure Afghanistan, and prevail in Operation Enduring Freedom, if the al-Qaida havens in Pakistan are directly confronted.

Duncan Hunter
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Iraqi Army: "Tell the American people we need the U.S. Army here"

Posted by DarthDilbert at 2/21/2007 02:06:00 PM

INDC: What motivated you to become a soldier?
Mohaned F: "I want to prevent terrorist activity here. I want to build my country."
Jabbar: "I want to help my country."

Remember this next time some moonbat tries to tell you different.

INDC Journal
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Ohio's credit outlook downgraded to "negative" by Moody's

Posted by DarthDilbert at 2/21/2007 12:16:00 AM

Isn't Strickland just a stellar example of leadership? I'm sure his husband wife is delighted.

Columbus Dispatch
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Edwards: Israel greatest short-term threat to world peace

Posted by DarthDilbert at 2/21/2007 12:16:00 AM

Why do the democRATs have such a problem with Israel? Could it be that their anti-Semetic leanings are coming out?

National Review
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Schumer: "Just like in the days of Vietnam"

Posted by DarthDilbert at 2/21/2007 12:15:00 AM

"There will be resolution after resolution, amendment after amendment...just like in the days of Vietnam." - Senator Chuckie "Can I get you a good deal on a credit report?" Schumer (democRAT - New Yawk)

The democRATs just can't wait for The Killing Fields: Part Deux.

Kansas City Star
WSJ OpinionJournal
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It is time to redeploy...from New Orleans

Posted by DarthDilbert at 2/20/2007 06:09:00 PM

Nagin Lied - People Died

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Add another in the stack of reasons against McCain

Posted by DarthDilbert at 2/20/2007 06:03:00 PM

My mind was made up after McCain-Feingold was passed, and his wanting to grant rights to residents of Club Gitmo. This only serves to solidify my decision even more. Not enough reasons? Here are a few more: his acceptance of the global warming myth, opposition to drilling in ANWR, opposition to ethanol subsidies, his vote against the Federal Marriage Amendment, wanting to grant citizenship to millions of illegal aliens, reported mental instability, support of embryonic-stem-cell research, his disdain for the Second Amendment, his pursuit of extramarital affairs, and his repeated use of racial slurs. Oh, but now that he is openly advocating that Roe V. Wade be overturned he expects Conservatives to flock to him? Riiiiiiiight.

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Muslim cab driver strikes students after religious argument

Posted by DarthDilbert at 2/20/2007 05:17:00 PM

Here is yet another story from a follower of the Religion of Peace. No, he didn't cut anyone's head off -- yet. Ibrahim Ahmed is a 37-year-old Sunni Muslim from Somalia. Sunday night was his third night on the job working United Cab in Nashville. That evening he picked up two college students who were visiting from Ohio. During the trip, the three got into an argument over religion. After the men paid Ahmed, he chased them in his van across the parking lot and over a curb, striking one of them. Ahmed has been charged with attempted criminal homicide.

Cherrie Machado, United Cab's office manager, claimed that company officials did not know of Ahmed's prior offenses. She shouldn't worry in that she has a future as Captain Obvious after she admitted that they "we need to work on our policy. We've not had a situation like this before. We want to keep our drivers safe and our passengers safe - that's our policy." Really? You mean that your Muslim cab drivers aren't supposed to run down their customers? She added that "We may just need to do some further screening on our own instead of depending on the licensing board." You think?

It should come as no surprise that the moonbats over at NewsHounds came to Ahmed's defense.

Ashland City Times [1] [2]
The Tennessean
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Court: Gitmo detainees can't challenge cases

Posted by DarthDilbert at 2/20/2007 04:36:00 PM

Fantastic news sure to disappoint and sadden the democRATs and their friends at Club Gitmo.

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US Supreme Court throws out punitive damages verdict against Philip Morris

Posted by DarthDilbert at 2/20/2007 04:34:00 PM

Smoke 'em if you got 'em  boys!

Smoke 'em if you got 'em boys!

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NASCAR NEXTEL Cup Series: Daytona 500

Posted by DarthDilbert at 2/18/2007 08:15:00 PM

Kevin Harvick wins the Daytona 500

Congrats to Kevin Harvick, driver of the #29 Shell/Pennzoil Chevrolet, in winning today's Daytona 500.

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Diddling while Americans die

Posted by DarthDilbert at 2/18/2007 12:49:00 PM

If the morale of America's soldiers, sailors, airmen, Guardsmen and Marines doesn't have meaning to our legislators, then perhaps they should look at what America's enemies are doing. While Congress debates hollow, but ultimately damaging legislation, there is new assertiveness in Iran -- on everything from acquiring nuclear arms to supplying terror cells in Iraq with advanced weaponry. Tehran's radical Islamic theocracy headed by Grand Ayatollah Khamenei doesn't have to worry about "resolutions of non-support," but they are very adept at measuring American ambivalence and uncertainty.

This week's "show and tell" of captured Iranian sniper rifles, surface-to-air missiles, mortar rounds, sophisticated "explosively formed penetrators" and evidence of Iranian complicity in killing more than 170 Americans elicited nary a peep from the new Congressional leadership. They were more concerned with their pet resolution -- and getting Pelosi a bigger military airplane for her commute between Washington and San Francisco. That's a telling signal to Tehran that our Congress is backing away from protecting our vital interests and our troops.

Nero fiddled as Rome burned. Today, Congress diddles as Americans die. Tomorrow, we may all pay the price.

Oliver North in
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Flashback: Shameful day in the Senate

Posted by DarthDilbert at 2/18/2007 12:47:00 PM

In 1970 the Senate passed legislation sponsored by Senators John Sherman Cooper and (Republican - Kentucky) and Frank Church (democRAT - Idaho) which restricted funding for operations in Cambodia. In addition it handcuffed President Nixon from sending more troops to Vietnam and "limited the President’s war powers through the budgetary process with a trio of stipulations: ending funding for U.S. troops and advisers in Cambodia and Laos after 30 June; banned combat operations over Cambodian airspace to support Cambodian forces without prior congressional approval, and cut funding to support Southern Vietnamese forces stationed outside of Vietnam. Doesn't this sound exactly what the democRATs and RINOs are wanting to do today?

The result of those actions was a Communist takeover of Indochina, and over four million were killed by the Khmer Rouge communist regime in Cambodia. The democRATs saw this as a victory. How many millions will be killed in Iraq after the democRATs wave the flag of surrender and fully abandon our military in Iraq? How soon before their spilled blood is seen by the democRATs as another victory?

Human Events
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Official: Baghdad violence down 80% in recent days

Posted by DarthDilbert at 2/17/2007 11:38:00 PM

More good news sure to enrage the democRATs and their allies in AlQueda.

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An open letter to Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi from Charlie Daniels

Posted by DarthDilbert at 2/17/2007 11:36:00 PM

You have said often enough that you don't believe in the war in Iraq and that you want to bring the troops home. Yet all you do is talk and sign non-binding resolutions which only goes to show that you really don't mean what you say about ending the war or that you're just playing political games and in doing so giving aid and comfort to a dedicated enemy.

Now if you're serious about ending the war you have the means and the votes to do just that. Simply cut off the funding for the troops, bring them all home and the American people can transfer the deed to this war and the ramifications of what you do to the Democrat party and you can live with the results.

You say you support the troops, but that has to be a lie. If you supported them and you truly think the war is wrong, you'd bring them home or either dispense with the poisonous rhetoric and get in behind them and help them get the job done.

You can't have it both ways. If you support the troops do something. Your party won a majority in both houses, so you have control so take the responsibility.

Of course, I think you should remember that when the terrorists follow us home from Iraq and start their attacks on American soil it's too late, so you'd better have a plan to deal with it. Do you have a plan?

And if Iran goes into Iraq and makes it a staging ground for Al Qaida to plan and carry out attacks all over the western world you'll need to deal with that. Do you have a plan?

And if Iran decides to go into Kuwait and cut off the oil flow from the Persian Gulf, you'll need a way to make up for the shortfall. Do you have a plan?

The world would look at us as a country that has not finished a commitment to war since 1945. Do you have a plan for dealing with that?

The purpose of this letter is to call your bluff. I don't believe you have the guts to do anything but talk and talk is cheap. Oh you have no shortage of words but I seriously doubt the amount of backbone you have.

Do you really think that signing a non binding resolution is really fooling anybody into thinking you're anything less than career politicians trying to tip the scales of the O08 Presidential Election.

What you're doing is silly and dangerous. If you really don't like what's going on, change it, do something about it. You've got the power but have you got the guts?

Pray for our troops.

What do you think?

God Bless America
Charlie Daniels


Charlie Daniels
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NASCAR Busch Series: Orbitz 300

Posted by DarthDilbert at 2/17/2007 08:36:00 PM

Kevin Harvick wins the Orbitz 300

Congrats to Kevin Harvick, driver of the #21 AutoZone Chevrolet in winning today's Orbitz 300 at Daytona.

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Jonathan Livingston Obama

Posted by DarthDilbert at 2/17/2007 03:37:00 PM

What is so audacious about announcing that you're running for president? Any idiot can run for president. Dennis Kucinich is running for president. Until he was imprisoned, Lyndon LaRouche used to run for president constantly. John Kerry ran for president. Today, all you have to do is suggest a date by which U.S. forces in Iraq should surrender, and you're officially a Democratic candidate for president.

Ann Coulter in Human Events
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Burt Brady: An American Hero

Posted by DarthDilbert at 2/17/2007 03:36:00 PM

H/T: One Oar in the Water
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NY Post calls it correctly: RATs guilty of treason

Posted by DarthDilbert at 2/17/2007 03:36:00 PM

Providing aid and comfort to the enemy in wartime is treason. It's not "just politics." It's treason. And signaling our enemies that Congress wants them to win isn't "supporting our troops." The "nonbinding resolution" telling the world that we intend to surrender to terrorism and abandon Iraq may be the most disgraceful congressional action since the Democratic Party united to defend slavery. The vote was a huge morale booster for al Qaeda, for Iraq's Sunni insurgents, and for the worst of the Shia militias. The message Congress just sent to them all was, "Hold on, we'll stop the surge, we're going to leave - and you can slaughter the innocent with our blessing."

NY Post
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NY man accused of wanting to fund terror

Posted by DarthDilbert at 2/17/2007 03:35:00 PM

When I read the headline, my first throught was that Steven Levi had been busted, but alas it was actually Abdul Tawala Ibn Ali Alishtari who has been charged with "secretly trying to pass along thousands of dollars to buy night vision goggles and other equipment for a terrorist training camp in Afghanistan."

Houston Chronicle
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COL Ken Allard quits NBC in disgust

Posted by DarthDilbert at 2/16/2007 12:14:00 AM

When you don’t have skin in the game, war becomes a matter of sheer personal preference. Channel clickers are wielded, the soldier overlooked or, as we saw last week, even maligned as a mercenary without provoking a career-ending scandal.

It is, therefore, possible to argue that NBC is merely undergoing a delicate arabesque in anticipation of changing audience preferences and the long- hoped-for Democratic restoration (although journalists generally seem reluctant to raise the tough questions that should punctuate the 2008 campaign).

But has anyone else noticed the network’s precipitous retreat from journalistic and ethical standards? Not only were no apologies given and no pink slips issued for Arkin’s outburst, but on his MSNBC show last week, Keith Olberman went out of his way to defend this "valid criticism" of our military...

[S]ometimes the only way to show where you really stand is to vote with your feet. And so with great reluctance and best wishes to my former colleagues, with this column I am severing my 10-year relationship with NBC News.

Hot Air
San Antonio Express-News
Olbermann Watch
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Senator Ted Stevens wants to ban Wikipedia in schools and libraries

Posted by DarthDilbert at 2/15/2007 11:37:00 PM

It's the tubes...

Newsweak reports that the last time that the Interweb was down for cleaning (M-W-F for AOL users / T-Th for PeoplePC corporate offices) that several tubes blew up and apparently Senator Stevens inhaled the resulting fumes.

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Gatorade Duels

Posted by DarthDilbert at 2/15/2007 10:45:00 PM

Gatorade Duels

Tony Stewart, driver of the #20 The Home Depot Chevrolet, won the first Gatorade Duel race this afternoon at Daytona, and Jeff Gordon, driver of the #24 DuPont Chevrolet won the second race. However, after the second race was over Gordon's car was disqualified because the rear of the car was too low. There was no surprise when NASCAR's reprimand was for him to start 42nd in the Daytona 500 on Sunday. So much for NASCAR clamping down. Robin Pemberton, NASCAR's vice president for competition, claimed it was "something a mechanic made a mistake on" as he misaligned the bolts on the rear shocks that were installed prior to the race. Riiiiiight.

Those not making Sunday's Daytona 500 will include: #04 Eric McClure (Hefty Chevrolet), #4 Ward Burton (State Water Heaters Chevrolet), #15 Paul Menard (PEAK / Menards Chevrolet), #23 Mike Skinner (Bill Davis Racing Toyota), #27 Kirk Shelmerdine (Lilly Trucking of Virginia Chevrolet), #30 Stanton Barrett (Bad Boy Power Drink Chevrolet), #34 Kevin Lepage (Detoxify Brand / Makoto Sauces Dodge), #36 Jeremy Mayfield (360 OTC Toyota), #37 Bill Elliott (Huddle House Dodge), #39 Regan Smith (Ginn Resorts Chevrolet), #49 Mike Bliss (BAM Racing Dodge), #58 James Hylton (Retirement Living TV Chevrolet), #72 Brandon Whitt (Dutch Quality Stone Chevrolet), #71 Frank Kimmel (Fast Track Driving School Ford), #74 Derrike Cope (Royal Administration Dodge), #78 Kenny Wallace (Furniture Row Racing Chevrolet), #83 Brian Vickers (Red Bull Toyota), and #84 A.J. Allmendinger (Red Bull Toyota).

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State lawmaker wants Tennessee to issue death certificates for abortions

Posted by DarthDilbert at 2/15/2007 08:04:00 AM

State Representative Stacey Campfield has introduced HB0982 (pdf) which would require death certificates for babies murdered by abortion. This is an incredible and wonderful idea that should not only be passed into law, but mirrored in all fifty states.

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Teacher convicted in porn case

Posted by DarthDilbert at 2/15/2007 07:46:00 AM

A substitute teacher is blaming pop-up ads for kids viewing porn in her classroom. Imagine if the skool had installed FireFox?

Reason number # to homeschool.

ABC News
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democRAT Congressman calls police over cigar use

Posted by DarthDilbert at 2/15/2007 07:38:00 AM

I'm surprised that Congressman Keith Ellison (democRAT/"Religion of Peace" - Minnesota) didn't seek to have him beheaded.

The Hill
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The cure for NPR and PBS

Posted by DarthDilbert at 2/14/2007 07:47:00 PM

Crossposted from America's Victory '08: and their comrades, NPR and PBS, are terrified. In an email from Noah T. Winer (’s "Campaign Director") on 8 February 2007 they claimed that "George W. Bush is trying - yet again - to slash funding for NPR and PBS." They describe the FY 2008 budget as including "devastating cuts to public broadcasting," and that "the independent journalism our country needs" is "under the knife." wants Congress to "guarantee a permanent funding stream free from political pressure," and "keep partisan appointees from pushing a political bias." Two questions immediately come to mind: first, why should government fund them at all; and second, have they not seen any of Bill Moyers programs?

Congressman Ed Markey (RAT - Massachusetts), the chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee’s telecom panel, and who National Journal rates as 97% liberal, commented on the cuts saying that "in a 24-7 television world with content often inappropriate for young children, the public broadcasting system represents an oasis of quality, child-oriented educational programming." You begin to wonder if Ted Kennedy is happily sharing his supply of Chivas with Markey if he is so blind as to not see how private companies that have no taxpayer funding that are providing similar programming found on PBS. I guess he’s not heard of A&E, Animal Planet, BBC America, BBC World News, Biography Channel, Discovery Channel, Discovery HD Theater, Discovery Health Channel, Discovery Home, Discovery Kids, Discovery Times, FitTV, History Channel, History International, TLC (The Learning Channel), The Military Channel, The Science Channel, Travel Channel; not to mention three channels broadcast in Spanish (Discovery Kids en Español, Discovery en Español, Discovery Travel and Living [Viajar y Vivir]). As friendly as the left is with the illegal immigrant crowd, you’d think they’d heard of these last three. However, it’s no surprise that they couldn’t find these as they were unable to find any Conservatives to speak on terrorism media bias.

In their 2005 annual report for FY 2004, the Corporation for Public Broadcasting stated that they receive 43.4% of their funding from federal, state, and local taxpayers. It’s no wonder that they brag about how some of their stations have “achieved excellent financial health.” How couldn’t they with the money taken from my paycheck and yours to support them? The FY2007 operating budget approved by the CPB Board of Directors on 18 July 2006 shows that they received $400,000,000 from taxpayers. In addition, on 6 November 2003, NPR received over $225 million from the Joan Kroc estate.

In 2004, the Heritage Foundation called for Congress to "require that the Corporation for Public Broadcasting fund itself as all other television networks do." This can still be done - all that would be needed would be to repeal the Public Broadcasting Act of 1967 [47 U.S.C. Section 396]. It’s time to pull the plug on the CPB - they have been flat lining for a long time now.

America's Victory '08
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WFOR-cBS4 reporter arrested in traffic stop

Posted by DarthDilbert at 2/14/2007 05:50:00 PM

He probably asked the cop "Don't you know who I am?" The most likely answer, "Sir, I can only SeeBS." Heh.

Miami Herald
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FoxNews takes satire out for spin

Posted by DarthDilbert at 2/14/2007 05:46:00 PM

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Navy phone bill: $4 Billion

Posted by DarthDilbert at 2/14/2007 01:02:00 PM

VADM Mark Edwards, Deputy Chief of Naval Operations, said that he "wants the Navy to change course by replacing traditional landlines for VOIP." He added that "It would save us over 24 percent the first year - and 24 percent the second year." Is Admiral Edwards any relation to Captain Obvious?
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Active Army meets January recruiting goals; retention remains strong

Posted by DarthDilbert at 2/14/2007 12:59:00 PM

More good news to enrage the moonbats. The Defense Department announced Monday that the Army achieved 111% of its goal.

Army News Service
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How to stop the cheating in NASCAR

Posted by DarthDilbert at 2/14/2007 12:51:00 PM

Terry Blount makes it crystal clear, "There is only one way to stop the cheaters: Kick them out of a race." Absolutely 100% correct. Up until now there have been financial penalties, points penalties (for owners and drivers), and suspensions, but the only method that made any difference was to kick the offender(s) from the race. Imagine the fallout at the Board of Directors with Dodge, Valvoline, DeWalt, or NAPA if they were to learn that the car bearing their logos is kicked out of the Daytona 500, or whatever race it might be. They don't exactly spend untold millions of dollars just to have their car kicked out. This would curb the cheating quickly.

Think about it - the negative images and video that would be shown over and over again on the web and on TV would not exactly be flattering to the respective companies. Each time the #55 NAPA Toyota is shown it will be tied in with them being caught with "oil" in the manifold. Jayski's page has this: "sources say the #55 team and Waltrip may be ejected." Rewind to Daytona last year where the executives at Lowe's weren't exactly doing handstands when the #48 teams was busted. The negative attention that was brought about was difficult to overcome, even with Johnson winning the race - the subject was still in the forefront.

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Global warming meeting cancelled due to... ice storm

Posted by DarthDilbert at 2/14/2007 12:41:00 PM

Ace says, "It's official: God hates Al Gore." Why do you think the GOP is God's Original Party?

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Ace of Spades
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Time to put English first

Posted by DarthDilbert at 2/13/2007 09:08:00 PM

One of the most frequent complaints I hear when I'm out traveling and speaking to groups is the lack of importance given to English as the language of success in the United States today. Whether it's the government's printing election ballots in other languages or bilingual education, Americans are concerned about the future of English as a unifying bond in our country. Of course, don't expect to hear a lot of discussion of this topic in Washington.

When was the last time you heard a politician talking about the fact that the Rasmussen poll reported that support for English as the official language was 85 percent? Or that the Zogby poll had it at 84 percent? With overwhelming public support like this, you would expect that promotion of English to be on the agenda of every elected official. But it's not. Instead, talking about English as a unifying bond -- and about learning English as the essential precondition for success in America -- is taboo. Why? Because the left labels anyone who talks about the importance of learning English as bigoted against immigrants.

Newt Gingrich at Human Events
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MTV cuts 250 jobs

Posted by DarthDilbert at 2/13/2007 09:06:00 PM


Chicago Sun Times
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PBS Producer claims he couldn't find Conservatives to speak on terrorism media bias

Posted by DarthDilbert at 2/13/2007 09:03:00 PM

got Google?

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DUmmie FUnnies: Loony Edwards blogger "quits" campaign

Posted by DarthDilbert at 2/13/2007 11:23:00 AM

DUmmie FUnnies
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Billy Mitchell's air war

Posted by DarthDilbert at 2/13/2007 11:21:00 AM

On 13 February, Dr. Michael Grumelli will be discussing the career of Billy Mitchell, "one of the premier air power theorists of his time, and examines the relationship among airmen and technology in early military aviation" at the National Museum of the U.S. Air Force in the Carney Auditorium. The doors open at 6:30 p.m., and the lecture is scheduled to begin at 7:30 p.m.

National Museum of the USAF

Update: 13February 2007 / 11:21AM:
From the USAF Museum website: "Museum closed - The National Museum of the United States Air Force will be CLOSED on Tuesday, Feb. 13, due to inclement weather. In addition, the lecture that was originally scheduled for 7:30 p.m. on Feb. 13 has been cancelled. It will be rescheduled for later this year. At this time, the museum is scheduled to reopen at 9 a.m. Wednesday, Feb. 14. For more information, please call (937) 255-3286."
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Volunteers show softer side of war

Posted by DarthDilbert at 2/12/2007 09:43:00 PM

An outstanding story that you are not likely to read about in the MSM. The picture above is of Air Force 1LT Christine Anouchian, assigned to the 5th Air Force Intelligence Directorate at Yokota Air Force Base in Japan, as she plays with Iraqi children on a playground at a Civil Military Operations Center in Baghdad.

CENTCOM Newsletter (PDF)
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White Castle taking Valentines Day reservations

Posted by DarthDilbert at 2/12/2007 01:11:00 PM

What better way to express your love than with a romantic 59¢ gutbomb and onion chips?

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Moonbats about to drink the Kool-Aid

Posted by DarthDilbert at 2/12/2007 12:52:00 PM

Moonbats about to drink the Kool-Aid
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Daytona 500 Qualifying

Posted by DarthDilbert at 2/11/2007 06:22:00 PM

David Gilliland

Congrats to David Gilliland, driver of the #38 M&Ms Ford, in qualifying for the pole in next Sunday's Daytona 500 with a speed of 186.320 MPH (48.304 seconds).
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Budweiser Shootout

Posted by DarthDilbert at 2/10/2007 10:02:00 PM

Budweiser Shootout

Congrats to Tony Stewart, driver of the #20 Home Depot Chevrolet, in winning his third Budweiser Shootout tonight at Daytona.
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Army Aviator to be awarded Medal of Honor

Posted by DarthDilbert at 2/10/2007 07:37:00 PM

The White House announced [Friday] that President Bush will present the Medal of Honor to Bruce P. Crandall in recognition of his actions at Landing Zone X-Ray during the Battle of Ia Drang, Vietnam, in November 1965. Crandall will receive the medal during a Feb. 26 White House ceremony for repeatedly flying into a landing zone under intense enemy fire to rescue and resupply 1st Cavalry ground troops - even after the LZ had been closed.

MAJ Bruce Crandall

Army News Service
Medal of Honor - MAJ Bruce Crandall
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24: Aqua Teen Hunger Force

Posted by DarthDilbert at 2/10/2007 03:56:00 PM

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Hillary vs. Hillary

Posted by DarthDilbert at 2/10/2007 03:52:00 PM

The Hildabeast cornered by her own words.

Human Events
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Three illegal immigrants shot dead crossing US border

Posted by DarthDilbert at 2/10/2007 03:48:00 PM

Lessons learned.

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Save The Bears!

Posted by DarthDilbert at 2/09/2007 09:58:00 PM

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New URL Available

Posted by DarthDilbert at 2/09/2007 06:29:00 PM

You can now access Return of the Conservatives at
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Whatever it takes: The politics of the man behind "24"

Posted by DarthDilbert at 2/09/2007 04:39:00 PM

The New Yorker
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New York teacher caught using cocaine in classroom

Posted by DarthDilbert at 2/09/2007 04:36:00 PM

A substitute teacher in the Lewiston-Porter school district has been arrested for allegedly using drugs in a classroom. Two fourth-grade students told administrators they believe they saw 59-year-old Joan Donatelli using drugs in the classroom last week. Police were called in and found evidence of what they think was cocaine. She was charged with child endangerment and banned from the school. District officials sent a letter home to parents advising them that a substitute teacher "may have a substance abuse problem."

Really? It's just reason number # to homeschool.

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Dale Earnhardt Jr. wants majority ownership of DEI

Posted by DarthDilbert at 2/09/2007 04:33:00 PM

Dale Earnhardt Jr.

Last night on ESPN's NASCAR Now, Junior was interviewed and he discussed having the ownership divided between himself, Kerry Earnhardt, Kelley Earnhardt Elledge, and Taylor Nicole Earnhardt - with Junior owning at least 51% of the company.

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Thank you

Posted by DarthDilbert at 2/09/2007 04:31:00 PM

Today marks my two year anniversary around here. I want to thank my readers whose kind and thought provoking comments make it all worthwhile. While there are indeed trolls whose mission is to inhibit the marketplace of ideas, your comments are great and much appreciated.

I want to also thank my friends and fellow bloggers in the State of Ohio Bloggers Alliance, America's Victory '08, Blog Net News, Conservative Blog Network, BlogBurst, and RedState.
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The Hildabeast will need to shave her legs

Posted by DarthDilbert at 2/08/2007 11:58:00 PM

Newsweak is reporting this will be used to perform the trimming.

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Stop Air Pelosi

Posted by DarthDilbert at 2/08/2007 11:12:00 PM

(H/T: Weapons of Mass Discussion)
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Duncan Hunter proposes Right to Life bill

Posted by DarthDilbert at 2/08/2007 10:00:00 PM

Congressman Duncan Hunter has introduced H.R. 618, "The Right to Life Act", which will "implement equal protection for the right to life of each born and preborn human person, and pursuant to the duty and authority of the Congress, including Congress' power under article I, section 8, to make necessary and proper laws, and Congress' power under section 5 of the 14th article of amendment to the Constitution of the United States, the Congress hereby declares that the right to life guaranteed by the Constitution is vested in each human being." It defines a human as "each and every member of the species homo sapiens at all stages of life, including, but not limited to, the moment of fertilization, cloning, or other moment at which an individual member of the human species comes into being."

Traditional Values Coalition
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Ted Kennedy hails Helen Thomas as "One of the greatest reporters"

Posted by DarthDilbert at 2/08/2007 09:43:00 PM

Ted 'The Swimmer' Kennedy

Now we know what drinking a case of Chivas will do to you.

Media Research Center
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Yellowcake and Yellow Journalism

Posted by DarthDilbert at 2/08/2007 09:42:00 PM

To see how liberal history is created, you need to tune into the nut-cable stations and watch their coverage of the Scooter Libby trial. On MSNBC they're covering the trial like it's the Normandy Invasion, starring Elvis Presley, as told by Joseph Goebbels. MSNBC's "reportage" consists of endless repetition of arbitrary assertions, half-truths and thoroughly debunked canards. No one else cares about the trial -- except presumably Scooter Libby -- so the passionate left is allowed to invent a liberal fable without correction.

Ann Coulter in Human Events
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In defense of "24"

Posted by DarthDilbert at 2/08/2007 09:42:00 PM

Emilio Karim Dabul, an Arab-American, defends the real-life Bauers.

WSJ Opinion Journal
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Pentagon rejects Pelosi's request for military aircraft

Posted by DarthDilbert at 2/08/2007 09:40:00 PM

Why can't she use her broom? She would get there non-stop for sure.

ABC News
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Southern culture under siege

Posted by DarthDilbert at 2/08/2007 04:36:00 PM

Ivy J. Sellers interviews Clint Johnson, the author of The Politically Incorrect Guide to the South.

Human Events
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See No Jihad, Hear No Jihad

Posted by DarthDilbert at 2/08/2007 03:58:00 PM

In a decision that reveals the state of denial on American campuses, the editorial board of the Georgica Tech student paper - The Georgia Tech Technique - has rejected an ad from the Terrorism Awareness Project warning students about the threat that radical Islam poses to America. Nor is it the first campus publication to chill open debate on radical Islamic terrorism.

Entitled "What Americans Need To Know About Jihad," the ad warns students that "the goal of jihad is world domination," and that "Jihad’s battle cry is 'Death to America.'" The ad includes quotes from several radical Islamic leaders, such as Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah, who has declared, "Our hostility to the Great Satan [America] is absolute. Death to America. I encourage Palestinians to take suicide bombings worldwide."

Jihad works both ways

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Zogby Poll: Empty seats coming to a theater near you?

Posted by DarthDilbert at 2/07/2007 04:35:00 PM

In a recent Zogby Interactive poll of those polled, "nearly half (45%) said that, while they still go to the movies, their movie attendance has decreased from five years ago – 27% said it is much less, and 9% said they never go to the movies anymore." This isn't surprising to me seeing as how I much rather prefer watching a movie at home.

I have written about this previously and my thoughts on the subject are still the same. I prefer to watch a movie at home because: I can use the closed captions (which don't only help those like myself with hearing problems), enjoy snacks which don't require a second mortgage, pause the movie when I need to or rewind it a bit, skip the dozens of previews and commercials which passed being out of control a long time ago, and finally relax in a comfortable chair. The biggest factor is the ability to use the closed captions which if not available make enjoying a movie next to impossible. The only thing movie theaters do to help is to crank up the volume, which then can be an annoyance to others resulting in a Catch-22. In the end, I'll be content to watching my movies at home.

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Doesn’t anyone remember what Kucinich did to Cleveland?

Posted by DarthDilbert at 2/07/2007 01:40:00 PM

Gribbit offers an outstanding look at the miserable failure from Cleveland.

Gribbit Online
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The left's definition of a "hero"

Posted by DarthDilbert at 2/07/2007 01:36:00 PM

Angry, left-wing Washington Post blogger William Arkin considers American troops in Iraq who believe in their mission "mercenaries" who are "naive" and should be thankful they haven't been spit upon yet. Curdled Democrat Sen. John Kerry thinks those soldiers, who volunteer for service, didn't "make an effort to be smart" and are "stuck in Iraq" because of their intellectual deficiencies. At the last anti-war spasm in Washington, liberal peace-lovers vandalized a military recruitment office -- repeating an act of destruction taken by rock-wielding thugs across college campuses and at ROTC headquarters nationwide. So, who inspires these troop-bashers? Whose courage do they cheer? Whom do they call "hero"? Not the American soldier on the battlefield, willingly and freely putting his life on the line for his beliefs, his family, our country, security and freedom. No, their idea of a military hero is Army Lt. Ehren Watada.

Michelle Malkin in
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Carter criticizes Wiesenthal Center

Posted by DarthDilbert at 2/07/2007 01:32:00 PM

Rabbi Marvin Hier responds to Mr. Peanut after he accused the Center of "falsehood and slander."

Simon Wiesenthal Center
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Without pension, NASCAR stars forgotten

Posted by DarthDilbert at 2/07/2007 01:21:00 PM

The living room of Sam Ard's brown doublewide trailer speaks to his short but successful NASCAR career. Trophies surround the fireplace and crowd its mantel. Plaques and pictures dot the living room walls. What's not there speaks to Ard's life after NASCAR, the two championship rings and a handful of grandfather clocks from Martinsville Speedway that he sold because "we was running short on cash." Unlike veterans of other sports, Ard has no pension to fall back on.

A fund has been set up to help the Ard's. If you want to assist Sam and Jo, send your contribution to:

Sam Ard Care Fund
Account # 68212-03
Carolina Trust Federal Credit Union
P.O. Box 780004
Myrtle Beach, SC 29578

Sam Ard
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Chrissy Matthews drops F-Bomb on PMSNBC

Posted by DarthDilbert at 2/07/2007 01:09:00 PM

"Hardball" host Chris Matthews lurched even further off the deep end on Wednesday’s "Imus in the Morning." After praising the “great job” Rudy Giuliani did in cleaning up New York City — which Matthews again suggested was done with just “a pinch” of fascism — the MSNBC star went on a rant declaring how he’s “sick of southern guys with ranches running this country.”

Losing control, Matthews dropped the F-bomb on national television: “I want a guy to run for President who doesn’t have a [censored] — I’m sorry, a ranch.” As host Don Imus began to snicker, Matthews plowed ahead with his Democratic talking points: “Wouldn’t that be good, Don, a guy who wasn’t on the ranch during Katrina, he was on the street corner answering questions?”

Chrissy Matthews drops F-Bomb on PMSNBC

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Pay publick skool teachers more?

Posted by DarthDilbert at 2/05/2007 04:28:00 PM

These people are paid an average of $34.06 per hour to spew liberal propaganda to skulls full of mush and complain it isn't enough?

Reason number # to homeschool.

WSJ OpinionJournal
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Is it more difficult to adopt if you're military?

Posted by DarthDilbert at 2/05/2007 04:13:00 PM

I wasn't in the Army when my wife and I adopted our kids, but it was hard enough then. I must have had my fingerprints taken a dozen times easily. One reason was that several times they were supposedly "lost" by some bureaucrat in Columbus, or in the state where we adopted them from. Another reason was that they needed to be redone several times, because they couldn't supposedly read them. It didn't matter that they were already on file in a number of federal agencies from my time in the Army and afterwards when I held DoD-related jobs.
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Ten liberal myths about taxes

Posted by DarthDilbert at 2/05/2007 12:30:00 PM

Myth #1: Tax revenues remain low.

Myth #2: The Bush tax cuts substantially reduced 2006 revenues and expanded the budget deficit.

Myth #3: Supply-side economics assumes that all tax cuts immediately pay for themselves.

Myth #4: Capital gains tax cuts do not pay for themselves.

Myth #5: The Bush tax cuts are to blame for the projected long-term budget deficits.

Myth #6: Raising tax rates is the best way to raise revenue.

Myth #7: Reversing the upper-income tax cuts would raise substantial revenues.

Myth #8: Tax cuts help the economy by "putting money in people’s pockets."

Myth #9: The Bush tax cuts have not helped the economy.

Myth #10: The Bush tax cuts were tilted toward the rich.

Read the truth about these at the Heritage Foundation
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Former moonbat radio talk-show host found guilty of insurance fraud

Posted by DarthDilbert at 2/05/2007 12:13:00 PM


Seattle Times
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Physical evidence of Earth's unstoppable 1,500-year climate cycle

Posted by DarthDilbert at 2/05/2007 11:59:00 AM

It's been stated many times, a consensus is not science. In a 17 January 2003 lecture at California Institute of Technology, Michael Crichton said that "There is no such thing as consensus science. If it's consensus, it isn't science. If it's science, it isn't consensus. Period."

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

National Center for Policy Analysis
Competitive Enterprise Institute
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Olbermann again brings a knife to a gunfight

Posted by DarthDilbert at 2/03/2007 05:43:00 PM

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

PMSNBC's "dud" Keith Olbermann gives his "Worst Person" award to Julie Banderas. He wouldn't last two minutes with her.
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"Paris" tease flummoxes CNN

Posted by DarthDilbert at 2/03/2007 05:16:00 PM

Ratings-challenged CNN is flipping out over a taunting Fox News Channel ad that cattily compares the also-ran cable network's dapper newsman Anderson Cooper to Paris Hilton.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

NY Post
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Dayton man arrested for soliciting sex from teen

Posted by DarthDilbert at 2/02/2007 05:28:00 PM

Wesley R. Evans, was arrested Thursday afternoon after Dayton Police said that he "solicited a 15-year-old girl for sex as she walked to a store." Evans, who lives at 3117 S. Smithville Road in Dayton, is currently "in the Montgomery County Jail pending charges of solicitation and importuning."

According to the Montgomery County Clerk of Courts, he has now been charged with Importuning (2907.07(B)-1) which is a fifth degree felony. Dayton Police Sergeant Roger Edwards said that the girl told them that "she was walking on Monmouth Street near Fourth Street when a man driving on Monmouth pulled over and yelled to her that he would pay her to perform a sex act on him." She then got away from Evans and "flagged down two officers in a cruiser nearby" where she then provided a description of Evans who they arrested at Fifth and Irwin streets about 4 p.m.

Just imagine, he as a future one day in politics as a democRAT congressional campaign manager where he can enjoy a celebratory trip to Italy, and later work as a senior vice president with a public relations firm in Chicago as a director of corporate affairs.

Dayton Daily News
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Design woes

Posted by DarthDilbert at 2/02/2007 04:13:00 PM

I can't begin to count how many times this has happened to me. One of the many joys of web design.

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SithCo presents....

Posted by DarthDilbert at 2/02/2007 03:30:00 PM

The Official Hillary Clinton Toilet Bowl Target

Available wherever this product is sold.
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McCain & Giuliani skipping some Conservative events

Posted by DarthDilbert at 2/02/2007 03:07:00 PM

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

This makes sense seeing as how they are not Conservatives.

The Politico
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Turner CEO apologizes for Boston scare

Posted by DarthDilbert at 2/02/2007 02:50:00 PM

MyWay News
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Gingrich says to mull decision on White House bid

Posted by DarthDilbert at 2/02/2007 01:41:00 PM

I would wish that he did run. We need a few Conservatives running as opposed to the RINOs being talked about by the MSM.

Al Reuters
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Rush Limbaugh nominated for Nobel Peace Prize

Posted by DarthDilbert at 2/02/2007 01:30:00 PM

Rush Limbaugh Nobel Peace Prize

February 1, 2007
Professor Ole Danbolt Mjos
Chairman, Norwegian Nobel Institute
Henrik Ibsens Gate 51
Oslo, Norway

Dear Dr. Mjos:
Landmark Legal Foundation herewith submits the name of Rush Limbaugh as an unsolicited nomination for the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize.

We are offering this nomination for Mr. Limbaugh's nearly two decades of tireless efforts to promote liberty, equality and opportunity for all mankind, regardless of race, creed, economic stratum or national origin. We fervently believe that these are the only real cornerstones of just and lasting peace throughout the world.

Rush Limbaugh is a nationally syndicated radio talk show host in the United States and one of the most popular broadcasters in the world. His daily radio show is heard on more than 600 radio stations in the United States and around the world. For 18 years he has used his show to become the foremost advocate for freedom and democracy in the world today. Everyday he gives voice to the values of democratic governance, individual opportunity and the just, equal application of the rule of law -- and it is fitting the Nobel Committee recognize the power of these ideals to build a truly peaceful world for future generations.

Thank you for your thoughtful and serious consideration of this nomination. Should you require additional information, please don't hesitate to contact me.

Mark R. Levin

Landmark Legal Foundation (Press Release)
Rush Limbaugh
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Free the Fitzgerald One

Posted by DarthDilbert at 2/01/2007 11:59:00 PM

Free Image Hosting

Ann Coulter in Human Events
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Molly Ivins has assumed room temperature

Posted by DarthDilbert at 2/01/2007 02:53:00 PM

Good riddance. Tell Saddam hi for me.

Chicago Tribune
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Two senior Iraqi generals suspected for involvement in attack on US Soldiers

Posted by DarthDilbert at 2/01/2007 02:42:00 PM

How soon before the ACLU jumps in to defend them?

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Coming to the next moonbat protest

Posted by DarthDilbert at 2/01/2007 01:10:00 PM

The military's new weapon is a ray gun that shoots a beam that makes people feel as if they will catch fire.
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