Dayton man arrested for soliciting sex from teen

Posted by DarthDilbert at 2/02/2007 05:28:00 PM

Wesley R. Evans, was arrested Thursday afternoon after Dayton Police said that he "solicited a 15-year-old girl for sex as she walked to a store." Evans, who lives at 3117 S. Smithville Road in Dayton, is currently "in the Montgomery County Jail pending charges of solicitation and importuning."

According to the Montgomery County Clerk of Courts, he has now been charged with Importuning (2907.07(B)-1) which is a fifth degree felony. Dayton Police Sergeant Roger Edwards said that the girl told them that "she was walking on Monmouth Street near Fourth Street when a man driving on Monmouth pulled over and yelled to her that he would pay her to perform a sex act on him." She then got away from Evans and "flagged down two officers in a cruiser nearby" where she then provided a description of Evans who they arrested at Fifth and Irwin streets about 4 p.m.

Just imagine, he as a future one day in politics as a democRAT congressional campaign manager where he can enjoy a celebratory trip to Italy, and later work as a senior vice president with a public relations firm in Chicago as a director of corporate affairs.

Dayton Daily News


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