Martin Gottlieb isn't impressed with Ohio terrorists

Posted by DarthDilbert at 8/31/2009 09:57:00 PM

Admitted terrorists such as Nuradin Abdi, Iyman Faris, and Christopher Paul don't impress the Dayton Daily democRAT News's Martin Gottleib. His column is has the obligatory straw man arguments as well as multiple instances of supposition with few facts. After reading his column, the only logical conclusion a reader has is that he prefers terrorists like Mohamed Atta, Satam al-Suqami, Waleed al-Shehri, Wail al-Shehri, Abdulaziz al-Omari, Marwan al-Shehhi, Fayez Banihammad, Mohand al-Shehri, Hamza al-Ghamdi, Ahmed al-Ghamdi, Hani Hanjour, Khalid al-Mihdhar, Majed Moqed, Nawaf al-Hazmi, Salem al-Hazmi, Ziad Jarrah, Ahmed al-Nami, Saeed al-Ghamdi, Ahmed al-Haznawi, Abu Zubaydah, Ramzi Binalshibh, and Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. They killed 3000 people and wounded almost 6300 others. Perhaps Abdi, Faris and Paul don't give him the same warm fuzzies that those associated with 9/11 provide.

I guess it doesn't matter to Gottlieb that Nuradin Abdi was en route to Ogaden, Ethiopia "for the purpose of obtaining military-style training in preparation for violent Jihad." I'm sure Abdi's real intention here was to scout for the Ohio State Buckeyes. I guess it doesn't matter to Gottlieb that Abdi knowingly provided "material support and resources to a foreign terrorist organization." I'm sure Abdi's true intention was to be a community organizer. I guess it doesn't matter to Gottlieb that Abdi knowingly provided false documentation to the IRS so that he could travel to Africa for his terrorist training. I'm sure Abdi's true intention was to take part in alQaeda's fitness regimen. He pled guilty on 31 July 2007 to working with alQaeda to help plot attacks against the United States. An interesting side note: Abdi was assisted with his voter registration by ACORN.

I guess it doesn't matter to Gottlieb that Iyman Faris knowingly provided information to alQaeda about "ultralight" aircraft. I'm sure Faris' true intention was to prepare for the Dayton Air Show. I guess it doesn't matter to Gottlieb that Iyman Faris knowingly ordered 2,000 lightweight sleeping bags that were shipped to Afghanistan for use by Osama bin Laden and alQaeda. I'm sure Faris' true intention was to assist the many urban outdoorsman around Karachi, Pakistan. I guess it doesn't matter to Gottlieb that Iyman Faris knowingly bought airline tickets for alQaeda. I'm sure Faris' true intention was to boost the tourism industry. I guess it doesn't matter to Gottlieb that Iyman Faris offered his assistance with his truck used with deliveries for cargo planes due in part that the cargo planes because they would hold "more weight and more fuel." I'm sure Faris' true intention was to study the scientific principles of weight distribution. I guess it doesn't matter to Gottlieb that Iyman Faris knowingly worked with alQaeda in procuring equipment they required to destroy the Brooklyn Bridge. I'm sure Faris' true intention was to happily assist the New York City Department of Transportation with a construction project. Faris pled guilty on 1 May 2003 to "to casing a New York City bridge for alQaeda, and researching and providing information to alQaeda regarding the tools necessary for possible attacks on U.S. targets," and is currently serving twenty years in prison.

I guess it doesn't matter to Gottlieb that Christopher Paul ("a.k.a Abdul, a.k.a. Abdul Malek, a.k.a. Abdul Malik, a.k.a Abdul Melik, a.k.a. Abdel Malek, a.k.a Abdulmaled, a.k.a. Abdul Malek Kenyatta, a.k.a. Paul Kenyatta Laws, a.k.a. Paul Laws") offered to provide personnel including himself to alQaeda for terrorist training. I'm sure Paul's true intention was to ease the burden felt by the Ohio Job Center. I guess it doesn't matter to Gottlieb that Paul provided money and equipment to alQaeda. I'm sure Paul's true intention was to just hold a fundraiser similar to the one Bill Ayers held for a future junior senator from Illinois. I guess it doesn't matter to Gottlieb that Paul stayed at an alQaeda affiliated guest house in Peshawar, Pakistan. I'm sure Paul's intention's were true and that there was no room at the Hilton. I guess it doesn't matter to Gottlieb that Paul established a close relationship with another alQaeda member, Khalifah Lnu, who was responsible for "logistics and transporting personnel to and from alQaeda training camps in Afghanistan." I'm sure Paul's true intention was to audition for a slot as S4 in AmeriCorps. I guess it doesn't matter to Gottlieb that Paul "traveled to Afghanistan and obtained training at an alQaeda training camp" which included "use of assault rifles, grenades, rocket-propelled grenades, small unit tactics, and hand-to-hand combat." I'm sure Paul's true intention was to make sure he could defend his local mosque in Columbus in between speeches advocating Jihad. Paul pled guilty on 3 June 2008 to "conspiring with others to use a weapon of mass destruction, namely explosive devices, against targets in Europe and the United States in violation of 18 USC, Section 2332a."

DDN claims that "innocent people" were supposedly tortured and yet at the same time bring up one example after another of people currently in prison for terrorism, several who admitted to their crimes. Who then are these supposed "innocent people?"

What do DDN and Gottlieb think about people like Ohio State Assistant Professor Pranav Jani or Kent State professor Julio Pino? Do they impress you Marty? They preach Jihad and call for the downfall of the republic. What that impress you?

DDN concedes the point that the waterboarding of KSM "might have worked," but maintain that it was still a "bad idea." They forget that it has been clearly established that the information we have now about alQaeda was gleaned from the interrogations of Abu Zubaydah and Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. Was that a bad idea? The intelligence we gathered not only gave us a framework of how alQaeda is structured, but about operations which were being planned allowing us to stop them preventing the deaths of thousands of innocent civilians. Was that a bad idea? That doesn't impress the Dayton Daily News and Martin Gottlieb. Would they have preferred a Boeing 767-223ER to slam into the Kettering Tower or the KeyBank Tower? I understand that they are only a third of the height that the two World Trace Center towers were, but would that suffice for the DDN to impress them? What if Iyman Faris decided to go a different route and follow the example of fellow terrorist Timothy McVeigh and use his truck to deliver a load of ammonium nitrate and nitromethane to North Main and Second Streets? Would that impress you Marty?

The time has come for people to take a stand: you either want to defeat the threat of Islamofascism, or appease it. Sadly, it's clear what the position of not only the Dayton Daily News, but the majority of democRATs and even the current Commander-In-Chief.

democRAT appeasement by Obambi

Dayton Daily News


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