Top 10 Barack Hussein Obama facts that media would never let McCain get away with

Posted by DarthDilbert at 10/27/2008 11:28:00 AM

1) Barack Hussein Obama campaigned and raised money for a Kenyan presidential candidate who signed an agreement to implement sharia law if elected and muzzle christian evangelism. WorldNetDaily

2) The LA Times is withholding a videotape that shows Obama heaping praise on a former member of the PLO at an event that was hateful toward Jews and Israel. LA Times

3) Larry Grathwohl, acknowledged by the FBI as being the only person to successfully infiltrate Bill Ayers' group "Weather Underground" is on tape claiming that WU planned to eliminate 25 million people who could not be "re-educated" after the United States government was overthrown. YouTube

4) Contrary to Barack Obama's assertion that Bill Ayers was "just a guy in my neighborhood", it has been discovered that the two shared an office together for three years from 1995-1998. Verum Serum

5) While speaking at Obama's church, Father Michael Pfleger likened what whites are doing to blacks as rape and said, "we need to get the sucka who's been rapin' me and make him pay." YouTube

6) Saul Alinsky, the founder of community organizing, an item on Obama's resume he prides himself on, paid tribute to Lucifer in his last book, 'Rules for Radicals'. WorldNetDaily

7) Not only did Barack Obama's pastor of 20 years say some very hateful things about America but he also printed pro-Hamas literature in the church's newsletter. Gateway Pundit

8) From the age of 9 until he was 18, Barack Obama was introduced to and mentored by a member of the Communist Party USA (CPUSA). Mentor Frank Marshall Davis had been under FBI investigation for 19 years and had a 600 page FBI file. America's Survival

9) Barack Hussein Obama once belonged to a Socialist Party. A claim denied by his campaign until proof revealed. WorldNetDaily

10) Barack Hussein Obama's long standing friendship with a man convicted on 16 of 24 felonies related to fraud and kickback schemes. In 2005, just before Tony Rezko was indicted, a shady real estate deal between the two had taken place. Chicago Sun Times

(H/T: Email from Special Guests)


You are not going to believe it. Document proof! Obama-Rezko land deal. Check it out. Pass it on.

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