Army National Guard opens doors to Homeschoolers

Posted by DarthDilbert at 12/18/2008 09:42:00 AM

In March of 2008, Senior Counsel Chris Klicka of the Home School Legal Defense Association, along with Will Estrada and Jeremiah Lorrig of HSLDA’s Federal Relations Department, met with Col. Mike Jones, head of all recruitment for the Army National Guard across the country. Col. Jones and his assistant, Cpt. Paul Douglas, are homeschoolers and wanted to help homeschool graduates get into the Army National Guard. Klicka prepared a draft policy for them to give to local recruiters throughout the 50 states to streamline the process for the enlistment of homeschool graduates. Col. Jones indicated they wanted to give full benefits to the homeschool graduates who were accepted into enlistment as well. Many educational scholarships could be made available to homeschoolers to be used for college and graduates schools. After several months, Klicka’s draft policy was accepted and implemented and is now online at our website.

Army National Guard

Reason #Spinning counter to homeschool.

HomeSchool Legal Defense Association


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