Guess which party: Off-color Charlie Brown cartoon has city administrator in hot water

Posted by DarthDilbert at 7/14/2010 05:55:00 PM

A city of Dayton administrator is the subject of an internal investigation after she allegedly e-mailed a newsletter to employees that featured an off-color joke with Peanuts cartoon character Charlie Brown.

Employees received an e-mail on July 2 from Dynetta Brown-Griffith, the city’s Department of Water Safety administrator, with an attachment regarding safety in the workplace.

The cartoon appears next to a section headlined "Allergy Meds at Work," which details some allergy medications that might be harmful to use at work.

No disciplinary action has been taken yet by the city against Brown-Griffith, city spokesman Tom Biedenharn said.

Care to guess which party she belongs to? It should come as no surprise that Dynetta M. Brown-Griffith, of the 4200 block of Dobbin Circle, has been a registered democRAT since 3 January 1996. How's that Hope and Change workin' for you?

Dayton Daily democRAT News


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