Some Greater Dayton RTA workers may earn close to $100,000 a year

Posted by DarthDilbert at 8/02/2009 10:51:00 PM

The driver at the wheel of that big green Greater Dayton Regional Transit Authority bus may be pulling in close to $99,000 a year. Last year, 10 drivers were paid more than $80,000, each chalking up significant overtime pay, according to an analysis of RTA earnings by the Dayton Daily News. Nearly one-tenth of RTA's 364 drivers earned more than $70,000, and a janitor was paid $79,189, making him the 18th highest paid employee in the publicly funded transit system serving Montgomery County.

What some may see as eye-popping wages were paid even as RTA struggled with major financial problems leading to service cuts and fare increases beginning this month.

"I can see where some people would see some drivers making 90,000-plus as a concern," said RTA Board President Bryan Bucklew.

Really? I guess there wouldn't be a reason then to raise rates for riders. Oops, too late.

Dayton Daily News [1][2]


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