Free Health Care Legislative Forums August 25-27 in Piqua, Kettering, and Fairborn

Posted by DarthDilbert at 8/20/2009 11:03:00 AM

It seems that Health Care is all we're hearing about these days.

President Obama and the Congress are pressing for major changes in our national Health Care system, but it's hard to understand all the things they're saying. The proposed legislation represents a sweeping change to our American way of life, and would intimately effect every single person in this country.

Question: Who has bothered to explain this new proposed law to you? Has the media explained it? Has your Congressman met with your community to explain it? Have your Senators rolled through town to tell you about this proposal?

Since our local congressmen and our Ohio Senators haven't tried to meet with us, it's now clear that We the People are on our own.

As a community service, the Dayton Tea Party, in cooperation with its local Liberty Groups in your area, is sponsoring a series of three forums on the proposed Health Care Legislation. Please plan to attend the one nearest you. Admittance is free of charge.

Date: Tuesday Aug. 25
Time: 7:30 - 9:15PM
Location: Hance Pavilion (corner of Forest Ave & Lindsey St.) in Piqua

Date: Wednesday Aug. 26
Time: 7:00 - 8:30PM
Location: Presidential Banquet Center (4548 Presidential Way) in Kettering

Date: Thursday Aug. 27
Time: 7:00 - 8:45PM
Location: Hope Hotel & Conference Center (Bldg 823, Area A, just inside Gate 12A) in Fairborn

At these forums, you will hear a fact-based summary of the legislation which will, if passed, change the way you, your children and their children will receive Health Care in America. You will hear from medical professionals in our community regarding how this reform plan will touch their relationships their patients. Finally, you'll have the chance to record your questions for our lawmakers, which will be sent to them after the meeting.

Please plan to arrive early for best seating. We expect these excellent and informative gatherings to be well attended. Please spread the word about these Health Care Forums. They represent our best opportunity to talk with one another about the changes Washington has in store for us.

If you care about your Health Care, you'll surely want to be there!


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