Government school indoctrinator belittles child for supporting McCain

Posted by DarthDilbert at 11/08/2008 01:43:00 PM

A Cumberland County school teacher is defending her comments to a fifth-grade pupil who expressed support for John McCain in her class last spring. The exchange at Mary McArthur Elementary School was captured by a Swedish television documentary crew, and the video is making the rounds on the Internet including YouTube. In the video, which reportedly aired in Scandinavia earlier this week, teacher Diatha D. Harris calls the Iraq War "senseless" and tells one student whose father is a soldier that McCain would keep troops there for 100 years.

The classroom discussion begins with Harris asking the class who they support for president. When two students say McCain, she responds with "Oh Lord" and "Oh Jesus." She asks them why they are you pulling for McCain or Obama. One student says she supports Obama because "he is making good changes" like "not having a fight between Iraq, and having soldiers killed."

"So in other words," Harris says, "Barack is going to end that war in Iraq." One girls says she supports McCain. When asked why, she tells her teacher "I think it’s because of my parents are going for him, too." Harris points out that the girl’s father is in the military, then says to the class that Iraq is a "senseless war."

"And by the way," Harris tells the girl, "the person that you’re picking for president said that our troops could stay in Iraq for another hundred years if they need to. So that means that your daddy could stay in the military for another hundred years." The girl appears to be embarrassed and doesn’t respond.

Reason # to homeschool.

Principal Lola B Williams
Mary McArthur Elementary School
3809 Village Drive
Fayetteville, NC 28304

Phone (910) 424-2206
Fax (910) 424-3451

She should be fired, forced to apologize publicly, and permanently banned from the classroom. 'Nuff said.

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