Let's Never Find Out: Part 8 - "Middle Class"

Posted by DarthDilbert at 10/27/2008 11:33:00 AM

Video (direct YouTube link):

MAN 1: Senator Obama, why are you lying to us?
MAN 2: To help the middle class, you have promised to drastically increase the taxes on the wealthy and big corporations.
WOMAN 1: This makes us think that the middle class will be better off, right?
MAN 1: Now let’s talk about reality.
MAN 3: What does your tax increase really do for America?
MAN 4: History has shown us that when big companies pay more taxes, they cut costs, they cut jobs, and they cut salaries.
WOMAN 2: Cut salaries for who?
MAN 2: The middle class that works for those big companies.
WOMAN 3: Which means that the middle class now has less money, not more.
MAN 5: Which leads us to a few questions:
WOMAN 4: Why are you misleading the middle class into thinking that your tax plan will help us?
MAN 3: How will we feel if you become President and we find out that we’ve been lied to?
MAN 4: And lastly, you’re running for President, not us.
MAN 2: Why do we need to explain this to you?
ANNOUNCER: What happens when we elect a President who lies to the middle class? Please, America, let’s never find out.

One Oar in the Water

This is day 8 of the HOPE-ON Project (Help Ohio Prevent Electing Obama Now). Turn HOPE-ON on, and Obama off!

Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7 | Day 8


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