Let's Never Find Out: Part 3 - Punished

Posted by DarthDilbert at 10/22/2008 12:04:00 PM

Transcript - PUNISHED:
WOMAN: Senator Obama, I’m afraid. In March, you told America:

OBAMA: "I’ve got two daughters. If they make a mistake, I don’t want them punished with a baby."

WOMAN: Punished. I’m afraid because I’m a mother and I can’t imagine what this country would become if its President could look upon a baby as a punishment. And I’m afraid, because those children that you spoke of as a punishment would be your very own grandchildren.

ANNOUNCER: What happens when we elect a President who has disregard for human life? Please, America, let’s never find out.

Pro Ecclesia

This is day 3 of the HOPE-ON Project (Help Ohio Prevent Electing Obama Now). Turn HOPE-ON on, and Obama off!

Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3


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