Let’s Never Find Out: Part 12 - "Left of Everyone"
Posted by DarthDilbert at 10/31/2008 07:00:00 AMVideo (direct YouTube link):
MAN: Senator Obama, I’m standing where you stand: all the way to the left. Your 2007 voting record made you the most liberal member of the US Senate.
Left of Hillary Clinton. Left of Ted Kennedy. And even left of your running mate Joe Biden. Barely. He was number 3. You, Senator Obama, are number one. Left of Everyone.
ANNOUNCER: What happens when we elect America’s most liberal Senator to the White House? Please, America, let’s never find out.

To any common observer to politics it's no surprise that the first name listed when doing a Google search for "most liberal senator" is Barack Hussein Obama. Each year National Journal rates the members of the senate and in their results published on 31 January 2008, they ranked the Messiah as the most liberal with a score of 95.5%. This placed him to the left of such socialist democRATs as John Kerry, Bernie Sandars, Hillary Rodham Clinton, and the hero of Chappaquidick - Ted Kennedy. I'm sure he's honored.
In 2006, he was ranked to the left of Hillary Clinton in his record on pro-growth policies. In 2005, he was ranked to the left of such notable fiscal conservatives such as Chuckie "Free Credit Report" Schumer, Joe "Plagiarists 'R Us" Biden, Robert "KKK" Byrd , John Francois Kerry, Ted "The Swimmer" Kennedy, and Patrick "Leaky" Leahy.
He has a 0% rating from the Americans for Tax Reform and a 13% rating from Citizens Against Government Waste. His hatred for the Second Amendment was clear with his support of the DC gun ban, and further it is no surprise that the NRA gives him a F rating, and the Gun Owners of America gives him a 0% rating.
If you have any question as to his radical far left extremist positions, he has a 83% rating from the ACLU, and an 83% rating from the government school indoctrinators at the NEA. Can you smell the socialism that BO is cooking? Or is that a lack of deodorant?
This is day 11 of the HOPE-ON Project (Help Ohio Prevent Electing Obama Now). Turn HOPE-ON on, and Obama off!
Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7 | Day 8 | Day 9 | Day 10 | Day 11
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