Hillary Clinton: A Question of Character
Posted by DarthDilbert at 3/03/2008 09:51:00 PMHer muse while a ninth grader was Reverend Don Jones, a Marxist who was later kicked out of Park Ridge United Methodist Church for advocating socialist views. He introduced her to a magazine called motive, which was published by the Division of Higher Education of the United Methodist Church. This was a magazine she would later be quoted in the 31 October 1994 issue of Newsweek as saying "I still have every issue they sent me." She told the author of the piece in Newsweek that she treasured an article from a 1966 motive by Carl Oglesby called "Change or Containment". Oglesby, who has been described as a Marxist, was so admired by Clinton in an article that not only defended Ho Chi Minh and Castro, but Maoist tactics of violence. Editorials in motive advocated that profanity be printed. It once included a birthday card for Ho Chi Minh (did Hillary sing for him?), and featured a picture of a girl with a tablet of LSD on her tongue. Huey Newton, a convicted cop killer, was heralded as a victim and a visionary. They also encouraged and advised about draft dodging, desertion, and heading to Canada. I can only wonder if her future husband was a proud subscriber.
On page 24 of Living History she describes a 1964 debate she participated in which she was assigned the role of Lyndon Johnson. The problem is that her account doesn't correspond with the facts of the matter which were published in the 30 October 1964 issue of Southwards, the Maine South High School newspaper. Her former teacher, Jerry Baker, said that "Hillary's version of the debate makes a good story."
As a law student at Yale, she served on the board of editors of the Yale Review of Law and Social Action. One article during her tenure on the board featured Jerry Rubin who suggested that students kill their parents. For the Fall/Winter 1970 issue, she served as associate editor. This issue featured cartoons depicting the police as pigs using the N-word repeatedly. Yet another cartoon illustrated a police officer as a decapitated and eviscerated pig.
Her penchant for profanity has been well documented. During her future husband's 1974 Congressional campaign rumors began to surface about her sexuality. Paul Fray, Slick Willie's Campaign Manager, tried to defuse the issue offering her some advice, but she would have nothing of it saying "It's nobody's Godd--n business! F--- this s---!" I'm sure those in her congregation back in Illinois were very proud of her, seeing as how she was so devoted to upholding the Fourth Commandment. Clearly concerned about Fray's religious and marital status she called him a "----ing Jew bast---." In 1991 in front of the governor's mansion she asked a state trooper "Where is the god---- ----ing flag? I want the god---- ----ing flag up every ----ing morning at ----ing sunrise." On 20 January 1993, the future first lady and her husband decided to have a fight in public where she so gracefully described the soon to be president as a "stupid motherf---er."
Her first choice for Secretary of Education in 1992 was Dr. Johnetta Cole. She served in Venceremos Brigade, an adjunct of the Communist Party of the United States as its director of the organization's American arm, the Committee to Stop US Aggression against Cuba. This is a group who were "trained in guerrilla warfare techniques, including the use of arms and explosives - by the Cuban intelligence agency." Cole actively backed the Communist Cuban intervention in Angola in 1975 and favored the "reeducation" of 400,000 Vietnamese political prisoners. In May of 1980 she went to Cuba proud to be "long and consistently active in the Cuban solidarity movement." After the invasion of Grenada in 1983 which toppled the Communist government there, she was furious with the Reagan administration who she claimed "put an end to four years of tremendous progress." Cole served President-elect Clinton on his transition team "as cluster coordinator for education, labor, and the arts and humanities." Knowing what you do now about her litmus test for these two cabinet officials, don't you wonder what her criteria for Secretary of State or Secretary of Defense would be?
On page 371 of her book, she describes 1996's Filegate as a "pseudoscandal." Filegate was the name given to the scandal involving Craig Livingstone, the director of the White House's Office of Personnel Security, and his possession of over 900 FBI files involving previous Republican White House aides. Clinton denied any knowledge about the incident, but was later investigations showed this to be false. And for those who were educated in government schools, the word pseudo means false or fraudulent - two adjectives to describe the junior Senator perfectly. On page 173 of her book, she claims that "seven separate investigations" "failed to turn up "any illegality, wrongdoing or conflicts of interest." She might want to review the report by Robert W. Ray who found otherwise.
On 21 March 1996, under penalty of perjury, she stated that she "had no role in the decision to terminate the [White House Travel Office] employees" who were fired in 1993. Her statement is a stark contrast to a January 1996 letter David Watkins wrote to Chief of Staff Mack McLarty where he said that he had spoken with Clinton who "conveyed to me in clear terms her desire for swift and clear action to resolve the situation. She mentioned that Thomason had explained how the Travel Office could be run after removing the current staff." Watkins later added that he and McLarty "both knew that there would be hell to pay if, after our failure in the Secret Service situation earlier, we failed to take swift and decisive action in conformity with the First Lady's wishes."
On 25 September 1996, the book It Takes a Village was published by Simon & Schuster. The true author, Barbara Feinman wasn't listed - Hillary Clinton was instead. Feinman wasn't credited whatsoever. Look for yourself on page 319 or on the inside back page of the dust jacket. Feinman was a journalism professor at Georgetown and worked seven months on the project. Feinman received a $120,000 advance for the book, of which Clinton tried to withold a fourth of when Feinman discussed the issue with reporters. Does it not surprise you that when Clinton later won the Grammy Award for "Best Spoken Word or Non-musical Album," there was still no acknowledgment for the work that Feinman did?
She claims that the morning of 15 August 1998 was the first she learned about the affair that her husband and Monica Lewinsky. She claimed she could "hardly breathe" and was "gulping for air." Anyone who has heard the audio of this from her book knows that her performance was less than convincing. American Spectator was able to locate five other White House interns besides Lewinsky that President Clinton was seeing. Her husband was having "inappropriate intimacy," to use her words, with six women and yet she still maintains she had no knowledge. She certainly lives up to her idol Saul Alinsky who once wrote "Ethical standards must be elastic to stretch with the times."
On 16 September 2001, when President Bush spoke to a Joint Session of Congress following the terrorist attacks of 9/11. Michelle Malkin wrote about how Clinton was caught on camera rolling her eyes and fidgeting "like a five-year-old at an opera. And when Mrs. Clinton mustered enough energy to clap, she acted as if there were razor blades strapped to her palms."
Not to be outdone in fanning the flames of the tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy nuts like Howard Dean, she went to the floor of the Senate on 16 May 2002 waving a copy of the New York Post with its banner headline "Bush Knew." Their lead story was about the August 2001 Presidential Daily Brief warning of upcoming terrorist attacks. She asked "The president knew what? My constituents would like to know the answer to that and many other questions."
Her hatred for anything related to the Bush family is transparent. Chris Emery had assisted former First Lady Barbara Bush with her computer when she was in the White House. She was having trouble with it and called Emery for assistance. Enraged over this - Hillary had him fired. On page 444 of her book, Hillary describes the affair her husband choose to have with Monica Lewinsky as "a sting operation to entrap the president." In 1999 she gave a speech in Marrakech, Morrocco where she explained it was necessary to bomb Serbian cities due to the "campaign of massive and systematic destruction" waged from Belgrade. Why is that then acceptable to her given her outstanding military training and her decisions related to Iraq suddenly wrong? Even the moonbats don't believe in her. Markos Moulitsas wrote on 7 May 2006 that "she doesn't have a single memorable policy or legislative accomplishment in her name." Her Socialist pedigree was cemented on 29 June 2004 when she said "We're going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good." I'm sure Karl Marx was smiling up at her.
A favorite tactic of hers is to demand an explanation to whatever silly charge she makes. Besides the above incident on 16 September 2001, in late summer 2003 she demanded an explanation for the blackout in the Northeast. Conservatives know that it was caused by an overheated generator in the headquarters of the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy, but don't Hillary in on the secret. I wonder what her response would be if she was hounded for an answer about what her staff did immediately after the death of Vince Foster in his office; her knowledge about her husband's sexual assault of Kathleen Willey, Elizabeth Gracen, or Juanita Broaddrick; or about how she was able to take $1000 of cattle futures and turn it into $100,000. The chances of her obtaining this profit of 9987% were twenty-four in a million. The late Barbara Olsen noted that in comparison had Clinton "instead invested $1000 in the first offering of Microsoft stock in 1986, she would have make $35,839 by March 1994." She adds that Microsoft "pales in comparison to what she made on the world's oldest commodity: livestock." Hillary once claimed that she made the profit by studying the Wall Street Journal. If that is the case, did her socialist quote from 28 June 2004 ("We're going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good.") derived from the Journal as well? Sounds more like Karl Marx to me.
She is adept at manipulating situations so that the main story is her, and not the original subject. She will rant and rave on the floor of the Senate and to any non-FoxNews microphone she will see about the lack of funding for first responders when her own actions demonstrate she could care less about them. She declined numerous offers for a uniformed police escort, never once bothering to give an explanation. She then feigned surprise when on 20 October at the benefit concert for New York City, she was loudly booed by these same "first responders" before saying a word - leaving after about twenty seconds. Maybe they caught her Fall/Winter 1970 issue of Yale Review of Law and Social Action? Mike Moran, a NYC firefighter whose brother was killed at the World Trade Center said "She doesn't believe a thing she says. She says whatever she thinks will fit the moment, and I think that comes through. In serious times, people don't want to stand for it." Rush asked him "So you didn't detect any sincerity at all, that's probably a big problem, then?" Moran's response was very clear "I don't think there's ever been a sincere word that's come out of her mouth." When New York Times columnist William Safire described her as a "congenital liar," he wasn't alone with his conclusion. Liz Moynihan, widow of former Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan, described Hillary as "duplicitous," and went on to say she would "do anything that would forward her ambitions. She can look you straight in the eye and lie, and sort of not know she's lying. Lying isn't a sufficient word; it's distortion - distorting the truth to fit the case."
On 29 July 2002 before the Democratic Leadership Council she said "GOP used to mean Grand Old Party. But more and more it's standing for 'Gloss Over Problems.'" Throughout her co-Presidency from 1993-2001 she and her husband repeatedly glossed over the issue of terrorism pushing it aside as a law-enforcement issue and not a national security issue which resulted in the deaths of many innocent Americans. How many more will die if the cycle repeats? Another 3000? In the 15 January 1996 issue of Newsweek, she was quoted asking "Have I ever done anything right in my life?" Ma'am, the facts speak for themselves. What does she offer the American public? I think she described herself best in February 2001 when she said "I don't personally have any information."
Dartmouth Review
Final Report of the Independent Counsel
Jewish World Review
NewsMax [1][2]
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Rush Limbaugh
San Diego Union-Tribune
Telegraph UK
Women's Research & Education Institute
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